You will need:
Plasticine, Aluminium wire, Milliput, heat shrink tube, Transparent silicon, acrylic paint (to make skin tone : red, blue and yellow), a lighter.

Step 1 : Sculpt two hands in plasticine.
Step 2 : Mould them (see the Moulds post)

Step 3 : Twist as many pieces of baked aluminium wire as the puppet has fingers (4 fingers=4 pieces of wire). Keep the end untwisted.

Step 4 : By referring to the mould, cut the wires. Put some very small balls of Milliput at the end (this will prevent the wire to go through the silicon.

Step 5 : put some heat shrink tubing around the wires. Heat shrink it with a lighter

Step 6 : Paint the Hand armature in a really nice flesh colour. Be careful: if it’s too white or too dark, it will be visible trough the silicon.

Step 7 : prepare the transparent silicon by adding some acrylic paint to it until it matches the SuperSculpey tint (put some of it on a piece on Sculpey to see if they blend correctly). Add some Thixotrope to a very small quantity of this silicon. Cover the armature of the hand with it. This will ensure that there will be silicon around the armature, even if the armature behave weirdly in the mould

Step8 : Once the silicon is dry on the armature, pour some unthickened tinted silicon on each part of the mould, put the armature into it, close the mould, and allow some time for it to dry.

Step 9 : once it’s dry, open the mould, remove the hand and trim the remaining silicon with very precise scissors

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