Is a system of square metal tubes

that comes in different sizes, each size fitting exactly in the one above (or below) it.

The interest in using it in an armature is that you can make it separable: the head from the spine, the hands from the arms… so if a part break you can replace it.
It can also allows you to rescult a head while shooting: you don’t have to remove the entire puppet from the set, just its head.
If you’re advanced in welding, and drilling, you can attach a nut on a piece of K&S, and drill a hole to place a screw: this way you can add pressure to the other K&S tube inside the first, to ensure it won’t move. But most of the time the mere fitting of two tubes is enough.
Where to find it: In a model shop.
They have a website: http://www.ksmetals.com

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